Home Lifestyle How to increase YouTube views organically

How to increase YouTube views organically

by Mona Evans

YouTube is the second most-visited social media platform in the world. Research has shown that it has over 1.5 billion users across the globe. The set of people most consistent on the platform are teenagers because they grew up having YouTube as a go-to channel whenever they needed information, or needed to be entertained

If you’re in the category of persons, you’d probably realize that YouTube is the best place to sell your talents and skills to the world, so you’re looking for the best ways to increase YouTube views. As someone who is just starting, you may not have the budget to pay for ads, so it’s advised that you try to grow your channel organically even though it will take a long time.

Without further ado, let’s look at how to increase YouTube views organically, shall we?

How to increase YouTube views organically

1. Know the basics

If you want your videos to rank, you have to know the basics. What are they?

YouTube algorithm is a thin line between simple and complicated, but generally, it ranks videos based on these categories: thumbnails, video quality, keywords, view count, metrics of user experience, video watch time, etc.

Most importantly, YouTube greatly considers audience retention, that is, how long the majority of users spend on the video. This helps the algorithm know whether viewers found the video useful or helpful enough. So, what do you do?

Create videos that will retain user attention and all other categories above. For instance, create How-To videos and tutorials, and if you can incorporate humor, that would be perfect.

2. Do a comprehensive keyword research

For those of you who don’t know what keywords are, keywords are simply phrases that people often search for in a particular niche or theme over time. When you incorporate these keywords in specific places like the video titles, channel descriptions, and tags, the algorithm believes that your video is an answer to some people’s questions, and may likely rank it for you.

How do you find these keywords?

There are so many ways of finding these keywords. One of the easiest ways is to check for suggestions when you type one to two words. This will give you an idea of what people are looking for. Another way is to use a keyword planner, although you’ll get more value if you pay for it.

3. Be a video optimization guru

This is one of the most important things you have to do. Most people think that you only optimize before video upload, but the truth is, you have to optimize before and after video upload.

How do you optimize before video upload?

Create a high-quality video and upload it with the right keywords

How do you optimize after video upload?

The title should be clear, should not be more than 70 characters, and have 1-2 strong keywords. In the description, use keywords that have high volume but low competition. The video tags should be relevant and be based on the topic. The thumbnail should also be very unique and customized.

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